2017 Holyoke Safe Neighborhood Initiative Winter League Basketball Championships

March 3, 2017 -Holyoke, Mass- The 2017 Holyoke Safe Neighborhood Initiative Winter Basketball League sponsored by Hampden District Attorney Anthony D. Gulluni and the Holyoke Shannon Initiative heldits 2017 Championships Friday night.

The Holyoke Safe Neighborhood Imitative is a partnership between local, state, and federal law enforcement; city & state government; civic and human service organizations; faith based organizations; members of the business community; education providers; property managers; and residents coming together with a goal to create a safe, healthy and economically viable neighborhood through information sharing, referrals, and community efforts in the South Holyoke neighborhood.

Hampden District Attorney Anthony D. Gulluni stated, “I would like to thank all of the coaches and volunteers who make this possible alongside the South Holyoke Safe Neighborhood Initiative and my office. By providing a safe environment and a healthy activity for these young people, we endeavor to keep them out of trouble and empower them to make smart choices.”

The summer league engages young people in the middle school to high school age levels. The league provides a safe and structured environment.

The league is made possible by dozens of individuals from the community who coach and administer the league for the hundreds of youths who participate.



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