The District Attorney understands the widespread ramifications of domestic violence on families, children and the community; and in response, has dedicated attention and resources to this critical problem. The Domestic Violence Unit employs specialized prosecutors and victim/witness advocates to deal with the unique needs of victims of domestic violence involved in the criminal justice system. The goals and responsibilities of the unit are to:
- Increase Awareness of Domestic Violence
- Increase Victim Safety
- Assist Victims through Progressive Programs
- Prosecute Offenders
- Educate and Train on Prevention of Violence
- Maintain Domestic Violence Intervention Office
Domestic Violence Intervention Office
staffed with advocates who offer assistance, guidance and support for all domestic abuse victims. Information is available regarding restraining orders, safety planning and community resource referrals. If you, or someone that you know, is questioning “is this abuse?” the District Attorney’s Office encourages you to explore the sites below or come to the Domestic Violence Intervention Office to have your questions answered.
This office is located on the second floor of the Hampden County Hall of Justice, 50 State Street, Springfield and is open Monday through Friday from 8:30-4:30. No appointment is necessary.
24-Hour Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault
- YWCA: Springfield 413-733-7100
- Womanshelter/ Companeras: Holyoke 413-536-1628
- Safe Passage: Northampton: 413-586-5006
- Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project: 800-832-1901
- SAFELINK: 877-785-2020