District Attorney Gulluni Appointed to Victim and Witness Assistance  Board 

October 23, 2018 -Springfield- Hampden District Attorney Anthony D. Gulluni has been appointed to the Victim and Witness Assistance Board by Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker. The board is the governing body of the Massachusetts Office of Victim Assistance (MOVA) and features five board members, including the Attorney General, who serves as the chairperson.

As stated on Massachusetts Office of Victim Assistance’s website, MOVA upholds and advances the rights of crime victims and witnesses by providing outreach and education, policy advocacy, policy and program development, legislative advocacy, grants management, and service referrals.

Commenting on the appointment, Hampden District Attorney Anthony D. Gulluni stated, “Thank you Governor Baker and Lieutenant Governor Polito for this opportunity to serve in a state-wide capacity for all those victimized and affected by crime. Giving a voice to victims of crime is one of the most solemn and important duties of a prosecutor. It is an honor to extend my work to this board and continue to promote the rights of victims and their families and to ensure that they have access to the best practices and services available.”

The Massachusetts Office of Victim Assistance funds many organizations throughout the Commonwealth that offer services to those affected by crime. Locally, MOVA funds the Womanshelter/Companeras, the YWCA, Baystate Medical Center, and the Hamdpen District Attorney’s Office.

Many of MOVA’s programs center around providing services and referrals for those affected by domestic abuse, sexual assault, violent crimes, and drunk or drugged driving. MOVA seeks to empower victims of all crimes by providing equitable access to services across the Commonwealth.


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