Hampden District Attorney Anthony D. Gulluni Elected President of Massachusetts District Attorney’s Association
Hampden Distrcit Attorney
Anthony D. Gulluni
November 21, 2019 – In a unanimous vote by the Commonwealth’s district attorneys, Hampden District Attorney Anthony D. Gulluni has been elected as the President of the Massachusetts District Attorneys’ Association (MDAA).
MDAA is an independent state agency whose mission is to support the eleven elected Massachusetts District Attorneys and their staff, including approximately 785 prosecutors and 260 victim witness advocates.
Hampden District Attorney Anthony D. Gulluni stated, “I am honored that my fellow district attorneys have elected me as our association’s president. I am eager to represent my colleagues on issues that impact public safety across the Commonwealth and to advance our collective mission of justice, fairness, and integrity.”
Serving as Hampden District Attorney since 2015, District Attorney Gulluni will lead the Association as president for the next twelve months. Additionally, he currently sits on the Governor’s Task Force on Hate Crimes and the Massachusetts Victim and Witness Assistance Board, which is the governing body of the Massachusetts Office of Victim Assistance (MOVA) and is the only state-wide board representing victims’ rights. Both appointments were made by Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker.